A Mastermind for Radical Change Makers
Climate Change, Circular Economy, Ocean Cleanup, Health Equity. A New Paradigm of Leadership.
You’re not just a change maker, your contribution to the world will make HISTORY. Your Big Hairy Goal isn’t just big and hairy, it’s EPIC.
You rebelled at school. You’ve struggled to ‘fit in’, to hold down a job, etc etc. And you have a lot of shame about that. But I see you. I see that the system has never made sense to you. That you are here for more than what the system offers
Welcome to
A community for leaders forging a new path for humanity. The bigness inside you WILL be matched by the bigness in your peers, and that will allow you to feel grounded in a way you never have before, to take action towards your goals in ways that are more powerful and more aligned than you can even imagine.
Are you a leader, founder, or a visionary seeking clarity, confidence, and the tools to create a lasting impact?
This is for you.